Happiness On Top

As I was getting my nails done Monday evening at a salon across the street from my house, the song “Love On Top” by Beyonce played in the back. I surprised myself signing to the lyrics, and my mind travelled to a memory from two years ago. I served at a Residence Hall during my junior year; some of my favorite memories from Baylor are from that year. Some days when I was completely worn out and tired I got to the clubhouse and there would be people singing or talking. One night after staff meeting which would usually run until 11pm Tuesday nights, two of my coworkers (also my friends) were singing to that song. Both of them were part of a choir at Baylor and they sounded absolutely amazing. I recorded them because I am not usually around people who have the confidence to sing in the lobby of a building and sound better than Beyoncé. Suddenly, I was back at the nail salon, and I started thinking about the person I’ve become because of my experiences at Baylor. I get very nostalgic when I think about it.


As a high school student I used to judge people, I never thought I would become the kind of person that would appreciate two 20 year olds singing to Beyoncé in public. I can honestly say those are some of the best memories about my time at Baylor. I am so proud of the person I’ve become. If I can give you a piece of advice is to not wait for happiness, because happiness is not a feeling it is a way of life. We often hear our friends or family say: “when I live here or when I do that I am going to be happy”. Truth is, we have to empower ourselves to be happy at all times. Don’t let an object, place, or career dictate how you live your life. I used to think like that in high school, “when I go to college and I only take interesting classes I will be happy”. Through my college career I struggled with some classes, like a normal college student. It was my decision to let those classes affect how I lived my life.


When I look back at my experiences at Baylor, I think of all those times when I was tired, worn out, or frustrated, and I made the decision to enjoy my friends doing silly things, or Jonathan getting me coffee, or a compliment from one of my residents, coworkers, boss, etc. I hope I can do this for the rest of my life, and I hope you can too.


Find happiness in the Scriptures


Luke 12:15

Author: karenavila95

Baylor alumna, lover of life and fearing of God

5 thoughts on “Happiness On Top”

  1. Great blog Karen!!You are so right, “Happiness is the way of life”!! I’m so proud of you. Enjoy life and have fun. I’ll be keeping up with your inspirational blogs! Go Senorita !!Muah xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Karen this is great. I especially love the part where you remind the reader to “find happiness in the scriptures”. In a world full of so much evil and deceit, only He can provide a true sense of happiness and fulfillment! Nice work, keep it up girly ❤️


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